The Ending Violence Association of Canada (EVA CAN) is a national non-profit organization whose main purpose is to educate and respond to gender based violence at the national level.
EVA CAN has formed in response to the need to foster a national voice, to bring together all of the sectors involved in the array of anti-violence issues for national dialogue and action, for collaboration across provinces and territories to develop comprehensive and coordinated responses, for developing and sharing information and best practices, promoting safety of workers in the field, and creating more effective gateways to services.
As a national organization, our work will create a new level of efficiency through building coordination and collaboration with and between the many systems that are key to responding to GBV. These systems include criminal and family justice, health and social service systems, educational institutions, as well as corporations and provincial or territorial organizations.
Ending Violence Association of Canada and Anova Launch Report on Findings from National Survey: Pandemic meets Pandemic: Understanding the Impacts of COVID-19 on Gender-Based Violence Services and Survivors in Canada
The conditions created by the pandemic were ones that were widely recognized by advocates as likely to increase the risk of violence while at the same time making it more difficult for those experiencing violence to seek help – especially given the pre-existing challenges facing the already overburdened and under-resourced gender-based violence sector. Today, we release the findings from a national survey that provides an account of the challenges facing sexual assault centres, shelters, transition houses and other anti-violence organizations during the pandemic as told from the perspective of those on the frontlines. We recommend buying your favorite at super low prices with free shipping, and you can also pick up your order at the store on the same day.
With responses from 376 service providers and volunteers who offered compelling and vulnerable accounts of the challenges they faced and continue to face in providing services to survivors of gender-based violence, this report tells the story of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in the words of these service providers on the “shadow pandemic” of violence against women and gender-based violence. It includes insights into what happens when those two pandemics collided, both in terms of rates and severity of violence, but also all the ways the sector adapted and formulated actions that are necessary in moving forward to meet the needs of survivors and the organizations that support them.
Read the full report here
Read the Executive Summary here (English)
Read the Executive Summary here (French)