Our Team

Executive Director

Erin Whitmore, PhD, MSW

Erin Whitmore joined the Ending Violence Association of Canada in 2019 as the organization’s first Executive Director. Erin has over ten years experience working in frontline service delivery, research, and policy analysis on gender-based violence and gender-equality issues. Prior to taking on her current role, Erin was a Senior Researcher with the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. She also worked as a Researcher and Policy Analyst with the New Brunswick Women’s Council with a focus on addressing gender equality issues at the provincial government level.

Erin’s approach to policy and advocacy is rooted in her experience providing crisis and counselling support to gender-based violence survivors within the community-based sexual violence agency sector at Sexual Violence New Brunswick where she worked for 5 years. Erin is a registered social worker, and holds a MA in Canadian & Indigenous Studies, a Master of Social Work, and a PhD in English Literature. Erin has a passion for qualitative research and has presented her research on sexual violence at various conferences and trainings.

Project Manager

Samantha Fernandes, MSW, RSW

Samantha Fernandes began working with EVA Canada in May 2022 as a Project Manager. She is a Registered Social Worker with an Honours Bachelor of Science from the University of Toronto and a Masters of Social Work from the University of Windsor.

Samantha spent 16 years working in community-based, non-profit settings, and comes with expertise in the areas of family violence, mental health, psychotherapy, children and youth, violence against women, and human sex trafficking.

Starting her career as a frontline worker with survivors of gender-based violence, Samantha moved into roles that involved management, program development and cross-sectoral collaborative work which has furthered her passion for creating change and supporting survivors of violence.

Stakeholder Engagement
& Advocacy Coordinator

Valérie Auger-Voyer

Before joining EVA Canada in 2021, Valérie Auger-Voyer worked as a counselor for women who experienced violence and was involved within the community sector in Ottawa as the Vice-Chair of the Ottawa Coalition to End Violence Against Women (OCTEVAW). Valérie holds a Masters in Sociology from the University of Amsterdam and has published ethnographic research on the experiences of undocumented migrant youth in Spain.

Having lived in many countries and worked with different populations, Valérie has over a decade of experience working for local and international non-profit organizations committed to social justice.

Research Coordinator

Stephanie Lanthier, M.Ed., PhD(c)

Stephanie joined the EVA Canada team in September 2022 with over fifteen years experience in the non-profit and education sectors, including work with Women’s College Research Institute, Ontario Network of Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Treatment Centres, the Woman Abuse Council of Toronto, and Women’s Place at Malvern Family Resource Centre. She is also a PhD candidate in Social and Behavioural Health Sciences at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto and with the Violence and Health Research program at Women’s College Research Institute. She holds a Master of Education (Cultural and Policy Studies) from Queen’s University.

Stephanie’s graduate research focuses on sexual violence, but she has also worked in the areas of intimate partner violence, sex trafficking, elder abuse, and workplace violence. She has authored and co-authored academic publications, applied research reports and evidence-informed curricula, as well as conducted numerous conference and community presentations and workshops.

Our Board of Directors

Name Organization Role
Jenn Richard Sexual Violence New Brunswick Chair
Aja Mason Yukon Status of Women Council Treasurer
Ninu Kang Ending Violence Association of BC Member at Large
Corinne Ofstie Association of Alberta Sexual Assault Services Member at Large
Kerrie Isaac Sexual Assault Services of Saskatchewan Member at Large
Alexandra Ages Community Member Member at Large
Rahul Sapra Community Member Member at Large
Sarah Rodiman Avalon Sexual Assault Centre Member at Large
Kelly Peck PEI Rape and Sexual Assault Centre Member at Large
Mary Walsh Ending Sexual Violence Newfoundland Member at Large