November 9, 2023 – The Ending Violence Association of Canada joined with 20 anti-violence and gender justice organizations in a statement on the one-year anniversary of the release of the federal government’s National Action Plan (NAP) to End Gender-Based Violence (GBV).
Since the release of the NAP in November 2022, bi-lateral agreements between the federal government and 4 provinces and the 3 territories have been signed, with the remaining agreements expected in fall 2023.
While highlighting the importance of the government’s commitment to addressing gender-based violence through investments in the NAP, the statement emphasizes the need for greater transparency and accountability related to all elements of the development and implementation of the bi-lateral agreements, and the federal elements of the plan.
Since the release of the NAP in November 2022, EVA Canada has worked closely with its partners and allies across the country to monitor the development and implementation of the plan. This has included:
- Releasing a joint statement on the release of the NAP in November 2022
- Supporting local sexual violence and other anti-violence organizations in efforts to be included in the provincial/territorial-level negotiations of the bi-lateral agreements
- Continuing to press for more clarity and commitment from government on the federal elements of the plan, as well as the establishment of an independent accountability mechanism as outlined in our pre-budget submission in advance of the 2024 federal budget
In a climate of increased rates of all forms of gender-based violence, a National Action Plan that centres the expertise of anti-violence workers, promotes consistency of access to services across the country, and that invests adequately in prevention and measures that address the root causes of GBV is urgent.
Read the statement here. [EN]
Lisez la déclaration ici. [FR]
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