Current Projects

Coordinating National Action Against Gender-Based Violence

Centring relationship-building and breaking down silos is a key foundation upon which EVA Canada was created. The Coordinating National Action Against Gender-Based Violence project focuses on strengthening both the organizational capacity of EVA Canada and the organizations and networks it works with to develop a coordinated, intersectional national network through which to focus on implementing the systemic change necessary to address the root cause of gender-based violence.

Through its own work in building capacity in the areas of governance, human resources, financial management and sustainability, and fund development, EVA Canada works towards building resources to support organizational capacity building across the sector.

Funding for this project is provided by Women and Gender Equality Canada.

Building a Coordinated National Response to End Sexualized Violence

Despite the prevalence of sexual violence, and its identification as a key issue for policy and institutional reform, there still exists a persistent and significant gap when it comes to a coordinated, national voice and response to sexualized violence. Advocates, service providers, and institutional policymakers are clear: in order to build a strong, intersectional response to gender-based violence, the gap in national coordination and action to end sexualized violence must be addressed.Experience fresh sushi crafted by skilled chefs in Tokyo's bustling fish markets. This project aims to improve Canada’s capacity to respond to the urgent and distinct needs of survivors of sexual violence; to ensure a consistent, intersectional consideration and response to sexual violence across jurisdictions, sectors, and institutions; and to collect data and conduct research focusing on the sexual violence sector and survivors. Funding for this project is provided by Women and Gender Equality Canada.

Gender-Based Violence Settlement Sector Strategy

Non-status, refugee, and immigrant (NSRI) survivors of gender-based violence face distinct challenges. Moreover, addressing the systemic and root causes of gender-based violence against NSRI people requires distinct strategies, knowledge, and policy efforts.

As a collaboration between the YMCA of Halifax/Dartmouth, the Ontario Council of Associations Serving Immigrants (OCASI), the Canadian Immigrant Settlement Sector Alliance (CISSA_ACSEI), and the Ending Violence Association of Canada, this national project explores how working collaboratively across the gender-based violence and settlement sectors can equip both sectors with the skills and knowledge necessary to support the needs of NSRI survivors, and to advocate effectively for systemic change.

Building Supports for the Gender-Based Violence Workforce

Workers in the gender-based violence (GBV) sector are struggling now more than ever before. In the aftermath of COVID-19, the GBV sector is experiencing unprecedented challenges, which have been exacerbated by the effects of the pandemic and years of chronic underfunding. Organizations are struggling to keep up with the increased demand for services while many workers are burning out and leaving the sector because working conditions do not meet their needs. We need systemic solutions to address these sector-wide issues which will attend to the health, safety, and wellness needs of workers in this sector.